Berean Bible Church

The Best Known Psalm

Lesson I

June 15, 2008


I   The Psalms were written by Divine Inspiration


2 Samuel 23:1-2  David claimed inspiration words

Mark 12:35-36   Jesus said , David said by the Holy Ghost

Luke 24:44-45    Jesus acknowledged the Psalms as being ‘Scriptures’


II   There is seen the Divine Hand in the order of these Psalms


       As often stated  ‘design’ demands a ‘ Designer’. ‘plan’ a ‘Planner’


       Psalm 22: 1,7,8,16  is the Psalm of the cross

            The death of the Saviour made possible Psalm 23.

            We must know the Saviour before we know Him as the Shepherd


       Psalm 23 1, 4   is the Psalm of the crook- the staff of the shepherd

            We must know Him as our Shepherd to learn He is Sovereign


      Psalm 24:1,7,8,9  is the Psalm of the crown

            This Psalm would not have been possible without the work of the Saviour

            John 8:50  Jesus said “Abraham saw my day…”

           Acts 2:25-31  David saw it, and wrote Psalm 23


III  In Both Old and New Testaments, God’s People are called ‘sheep’


Isaiah 40:11-  He shall feed, gather, carry, gently lead.  If He promises that to Israel will He do less for us?

1 Peter 2:25     He is the Shepherd of our souls

John 10: 11      He plainly states:  “I am the good shepherd”


IV  We must remember what God does not call His people


       Matthew 10:16  cf  Acts 20:29  we are never called ‘wolves’

       Matthew 25:33       we are never called ‘goats’

      Philippians 3:2        we  are never called ‘dogs’

      2 Peter 2:22             we are never called ‘sows’ or ‘pigs’

      Revelation 22:15      without the city are ‘dogs’


V   If Jesus is our Shepherd, then we are His sheep


      Psalm 23:1  The – Lord – is -- my – Shepherd

      1 Corinthians 1:26-29  see what God hath chosen

      Galatians 6:3  man is nothing

       Acts 10:26      I myself am (only) a man

       Sheep are not noted for their intelligence, they do need the shepherd


VI  Notice what Jesus Says about Himself


       John 10:4      He goeth before His sheep

       John 10:7,9    I am the door of the sheep

       John 10:10     I am come to give life

       John 10:11     I give my life 

       John 10:14     I know my sheep

      John 10:18      No man takes my life, I lay it down

                        Cf  Romans 8:31-32


VII  Conclude


       Hebrews 13:20  Jesus is the Great Shepherd of His sheep –follow Him


     1 Corinthians 10:31- 11:1    Paul says:  Follow Christ as I follow Him

            It is a natural thing for sheep to follow.