Berean Bible Church

Second Advent Events

Admonitions in Matthew 24

Lesson XI

November 1, 2009


Text- Matthew 24:32-36


I    Matthew 24:32  Jesus used a simple illustration

“When the fig tree puts forth leaves you know summer is nigh”

When spring comes you know that summer follows.

            Luke 21:29-30  you know of your own self


II   Matthew 24 33  So when things predicted in  verses 4-31 show signs of coming to

            pass you know “it” is near.  What does “it” refer to?

Luke 21:31 “when ye see these things know that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand”. 

When the King comes (verse 30) the kingdom will soon follow.  But the kingdom will not come without the King


III  Matthew 24:34   “this generation shall not pass”

1.      The interpretation of this verse has been the problem verse of the chapter

2   Because of it, Post-mills and A- mills all teach that verses 4-34 are fulfilled

Quote: “All the verses of Matthew 24 up to 34 describe the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D..…”  (Marcellus Kik page 13-14)

It seems to me that in the year 70 A.D. Jews were killed or scattered-none gathered as in Matthew 24:31.

3        Read Schofield the bottom of page 1034.

4        The preservation of the Jews as a people, has been one of the miracles of history


IV  Matthew 24: 35

            “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

The predictions in Matthew 24 of the Great Tribulation, the coming of Jesus in power and great glory, and the gathering of his people are facts that cannot be changed.  Facts that will have a literal fulfillment.  His word will not pass away!


V  Matthew 24:36   “of that day and hour knoweth no man”

            Mark 13:33  know not

            Mark 13:35  know not

            Acts 1:7  it is not for you to know

            This is a warning to each one not to set dates for the Lord’s Return

            Date-setting has brought great harm to the gospel and Bible prophecy


VI  Concluding thought

Could it be that the generation that sees the tribulation will be the generation that will see all things regarding Christ’s Second Coming fulfilled?