Berean Bible Church

Second Advent Events

Lesson VII

Flight on the Sabbath

October 4, 2009



Scripture-Matthew 24:15-21


I  Matthew 24:15  makes it impossible to understand the chapter apart from Daniel 9:27


II Daniel 9:26-27  an abomination is set-up in the temple at Jerusalem by this coming prince.

1 John 2:18  we believe this prince is the antichrist who shall come .  This individual will be the greatest Jew-hater of all time


III Daniel 9:27  he appears in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel,

            Matthew 24:21  it is then, the world will be plunged into Great Tribulation


IV  Matthew 24:8  before he ‘appears’, the world will be in trouble.  Matthew 24:4-7

            2 Thessalonians 2:6 The anti-Christ will appear in his time, not before.


V  Matthew 24:9  The Jews will already be “hated of all nations”.   Shadows of which, 

            we believe, we are seeing being formed almost daily


VI  Matthew 24:16   Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains

Notice the geography. Judea does not mean any other country but the land of the Jews.

(Isaiah 16:1,4 indicate they will flee to Petra)

Today “Judea & Samaria” are called the “West Bank  “occupied territories”

In 1946  the Amillennialists, said “There would never be a National restoration of the Jews

            Since 1948  Replacement Theology, consider Israel. “all a mistake”

                        See Jeremiah 33:24-26


VII  Matthew 24:16   People we know who are called “Jews” live in Judea and will be 

            there when the time comes for Jesus to return to this earth.


VIII  Matthew 24:17-19 when the time comes, these Jews will flee in haste


IX  Matthew 24:20  brings us back to Jewish ground.  What is more “Jewish” than the Sabbath?


X  So we continue our lesson with thoughts about the Sabbath.


            Exodus 20:10  the seventh day is the Sabbath.  That has never been changed.

Exodus 20: 4-17  the Sabbath was a major part of the Law given to Moses, a reminder of the Creator of Creation, Who had first kept a Sabbath. Genesis 2:3,4


For Christians, to keep the Sabbath is to go back under the law.

Romans 6:14   we are plainly told we are not under the law


Ezekiel 20:10-12  the people who came out of Egypt, the Nation of Israel, were given the Sabbath, notice it was given:

            Exodus 12  after the night of the Passover lamb

            Exodus 14  after the deliverance from Egypt

            Exodus 16  after they ate the manna from heaven

            Exodus 17  after they drank of the water from the Rock  (1 Cor.10:1-5)

The law, therefore, was given to saved people, it was never given to save people

The law was their school master to teach them their need of grace and of Christ

Numbers 15:32-41 to break the Sabbath was to suffer the penalty of death


Romans 9:4  the Sabbath was never given to Gentiles.

The Church is never commanded to keep the Sabbath day


XI  Some contrasts between the Sabbath and the Lord’s day


            The Sabbath belongs to the Old Testament people, the Jews

             The Lord’s day belongs to the New Testament people, the Church


            The Sabbath was and is the last  day of the week.

            The Lord’s day is the first of the week.


            The Sabbath day, Christ was in the grave, and speaks of death.

The Lord’s Day, He left the tomb, and speaks of life.


            To keep the Sabbath is to be under law

            We keep the Lord’s day because we are living under grace.


            After the Resurrection, Christ and the disciples never met on the Sabbath

            The Church met to worship, break bread, on the first day of the week.

            Acts 20:7  the first day

            1 Corinthians 16:2  the first day of the week.

            Colossians 2:16,17  we are not to be troubled about keeping Sabbath days.


The Church is not to be occupied with a Christ after the flesh, 2 Corinthians 5:16

 but with a Christ risen and seated in Heaven  Colossians 3:1-3.