Berean Bible Church

Salvation and Service

Conclusion of Series

Lesson VI

October 22, 2006


Text  2 Timothy 2:15.

In this series of studies we have tried to illustrate “rightly dividing the Word of truth”

VIII  Salvation has to do with our relationship to God  (sins forgiven)

          Service has to do with our fellowship  (believer’s confess sins to God)

IX  In Salvation there is no cost to the believer

            Revelation 22:17  take of the water of life freely

            Isaiah 55:1  come buy   without money without price?  How can that be?

            It is all paid for by another.

            2 Corinthians 8:9  He became poor that we might be rich

            Luke 10:25-37  the Samaritan paid all, the man rescued paid nothing

            Philemon 18  Paul illustrates what Jesus did-  “put all on my account”

            Matthew 13:44,46,  who was it that “gave all”?

       In Service there is a cost to the believer

            Matthew 4: 18-22  notice what they left to follow Christ

            Luke 9:29-30  service is taking up a cross

            Luke 18:29-30  Jesus listed the kind of costs involved in service.


X  Our Salvation-journey on earth with end

            With resurrection, rapture and glorification

            1 Thessalonians 4:13-18  to be forever with the Lord

            1 Corinthians 15:51-58  all changed in a moment of time

            1 John 3:2 , Romans 8:30  like Jesus, glorified

            1 Thessalonians 1:10  the waiting forever past

            1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 not appointed to wrath but to rapture

Keep this clear.  Rapture and glorification are not rewards, they are the completion of our so great salvation.  Philippians 1:6,  2 Thessalonians 3:2,  Jude 24


    Our Service will be concluded with rewards and manifestation

            1 Corinthians 4:5  the time of judgment is when the Lord comes

            Revelation, 22:12 rewards are with him

            1 John 2:28  some will be ashamed when He returns to earth

            Revelation 3:11  it is possible to have someone take our crown

            Revelation 19:7-9  the kind of service we have done will be revealed

            Romans 8:19  there will be a manifestation of the saints

            2 Thessalonians 1:10  glorified in his saints



Those who have not studied the Scriptures will be revealed.

Those who have not rightly divided the Scriptures will be revealed

These are some of the things that shall bring shame to believers